How To Change Key Of Song In Garageband

One of the great things about Garageband is that all of the commands used for day-to-day use on the computer are transferable to the software. It’s all fairly intuitive. Many of the commands that you’ve grown accustomed to as a Mac user are all the same functions for Garageband. How To Zoom In And Out (Command + Left and Right Arrow Key). Garageband And Music Production Tutorials. Amazon Disclosure. The owner of Producer Society is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to,, and You need to use an automation which basically creates a bar through the song that lets you play with tempo. I still haven't made use of it in a song, other than having played with it a bit to see how it works. It's definitely there. Edit: ignore me. U/johnnybean has brought to my attention that I'm talking about tempo and not time signature. This is how you can change the key (pitch) on a specific loop in GarageBand for iOS (iPad). You can't do that as easily as you can in GarageBand for Mac but. Changing the key signature and pitch in Garageband is pretty straightforward. 1) Open your GarageBand file. 2) At the top-center of the DAW, you should see four icons in order from left-to-right: the beat, the tempo, the time signature, and the key signature.

NOTE: If you have OS X El Capitan / GarageBand 10.1.0, please see my new post GarageBand 10.1.0 can Transpose a Song Imported from iTunesfor instructions on how to transpose with that version of GarageBand.

This is my third post on transposing a song imported from iTunes. This version shows the steps from GarageBand 10.0.3 which came with the update to OS X Yosemite.

My previous post was written in January 2014. If you have an earlier version of GarageBand, that post should help you.

If you have Garageband 10.0.3, follow these steps:


How To Change Key Of A Song In Garageband

1) Open GarageBand. Select “Empty Project” and press “Choose”

How To Change Key Mid Song In Garageband

2) Next, select “Software Instrument” and click “Create”

3) GarageBand creates a Piano track for you.

4) Open iTunes and drag the song you want in import under the piano track that was created for you.


5) Your track appears under the Piano track.

6) Open GarageBand > Preferences…

How To Change The Key Of A Song In Garageband

7) Select Audio/MIDI. Click on “Audio Units” to enable this effect.

8) When prompted, “Keep” existing effects, if you wish.

9) In the upper-left of the window, Look for the “Smart Controls” button, which looks like a knob.

10) Click the “Knob” to select “Smart Controls”

How To Change Key Of Song In Garageband

11) Look for the “i” and “Master” buttons.

12) Click the “i” and “Master” buttons.

13) Hover above the top processor (which is “Channel EQ” as shown above). Click and hold the blue line that becomes visible:

14) Next Select “Audio Units > Apple > AUPitch”

15) Adjust the Pitch to your liking.

16) Note that you can double-click on the number of cents and put in an exact amount. These should be multiples of 100, if you want to go up or down by semi-tones. Each 100 Cents is one semi-tone. One octave is 1,200 Cents.

How To Change Key Of Song In Garageband 2018 Mac

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