Nasa Announces Nibiru

Related: Nibiru Asteroid

NASA then prepared a very well-built simulation that projected the orbit of Nibiru. Transformed the simulation in video and “sneak” released on the internet. The simulation done by NASA computers presented visually not only the displacement of Nibiru in its orbit, but also the orbits of all the planets of the solar system.'>

NASA Says Nibiru Definitely Does Not Exist & Is Not Coming to End the World NASA has repeatedly said that there is no planet known as “Nibiru” or “Planet X” that will come crashing into the Earth. The Israeli filmmaker and lecturer who revealed the connection claims the new astronomical discovery goes by many names but in his video on the subject, he calls it by its most popular: Nibiru. Nibiru has been linked to NASA by various bloggers. Because of this claimed connection, space agency officials put out a statement saying that no big planet was coming to destroy Earth in 2012. NASA Conference announces NIBIRU PLANET -X Nibiru Planet X Causing Pole Shift. Updates on what he believes about Planet X NIBIRU and a coming pole shift, and how the government and NASA are covering up imminent global catastrophe. The nearing of Planet X Nibiru, which has comet-like tails that are attracted to the Earth because of static electricity. How better to validate the approach of a.

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NASA And The Media Admit Planet Nibiru Is Coming Toward Earth
An American scientist has confirmed that a mysterious new planet, known as Planet Nine (also called Planet X or Nibiru), could harm earth in the coming months due to its alarming approach towards our planet.

People say that if Nibiru was real, why hasn’t it been in the news. Well, it has been! Here I present news stories, articles, and presentations talking about Nibiru, Nemesis, Planet X, and NASA’s new name for the mysterious planet – “Planet 9.” NASA knows, the media knows, and your government knows. Isn’t time you got the whole story?

What is planet X also known as Planet 7X or Nibiru and what does it mean for us on earth? Is there a biblical connection and does it play a roll in the end-times?

There is evidence of an ongoing resurgence of the Planet X (also known as Nibiru) cataclysm conspiracy theory following the publication of new scientific studies in 2014 claiming evidence of a mysterious unnamed planet lurking beyond Pluto. The scientific claims were based on observations of gravitational influences on a group of space bodies termed the “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) orbiting our Sun beyond the planet Neptune.

A slew of messages and YouTube videos currently being circulated in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claims that a NASA study published in 1988 revealed details about the mysterious Planet X/Nibiru with an estimated orbital period of more than 1,000 years.

Nasa Announces Nibiru

The study, according to conspiracy theorists, demonstrates that NASA and the U.S. government have been aware for decades that the rogue Planet X is coming with catastrophic consequences for humanity.

According to conspiracy theorists, recently leaked secret NASA “Planet X” files reveal that the agency is aware that the gravitational influence of Planet X had disrupted the orbits of other planets during a previous passage into the inner solar system hundreds of years ago; and that the next disruptive passage into the inner solar system is imminent.

Adding to Russia’s fears about this mysterious planet was the secret NASA information about it supplied to Federation authorities by NASA computer expert Lloyd Albright (in 1999) and US astronaut and Navy Captain Lisa Nowak (in 2007) that was so fearful Albright hid himself in cave and Nowak told her Russian interviewers “they won’t tell anyone the truth” and “I’ve never believed the Bible, but now I have to”

The approach of the mysterious Planet X is currently sending waves of charged “plasmatic energy particles” through our solar system. The flow of energy will finally disrupt the “core flows” of the Earth and trigger catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate.

We have been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X since 1996 in the form of increased seismic and volcanic activities, freak weather patterns, and natural disasters.

NASA, the Pentagon, and the CIA are aware of the approaching rogue planet. The Vatican has also been briefed, but the public is being kept in the dark about the impending apocalypse. But despite efforts to keep the information secret, there have been leaks.

The comprehensive report submitted to the White House estimates that about two-thirds of humanity will be wiped out when Planet X induces a pole-shift. Two-thirds of survivors will perish over another six months due to starvation and exposure to the elements.

Although some conspiracy theorists insist that the Planet X mentioned in the NASA files is not linked with Zecharia Sitchin’s planet Nibiru — the alleged planet of the alien Anunnaki that makes a close approach to Earth as it passes through the inner solar system on its orbital path once every 3,600 years — many conspiracy theorists insist that that NASA’s “Planet X” is Nibiru.

Warning : Nibiru Planet X ~ The Best Evidence to Date ~ A Pole Shift is Coming!
But it is uncertain whether the Planet X mentioned in the purported NASA files is the same as the Planet X that scientific researchers announced in 2014 that they have evidence is lurking in the fringes of our solar system beyond Pluto.
According to the research study titled “Extreme trans-Neptunian objects and the Kozai mechanism: signaling the presence of trans-Plutonian planets,” published in June of 2016 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, there are at least two planets — part of our solar system — larger than Earth, lurking out there beyond Pluto, and whose presence can be detected through their gravitational influences.

According to the emerging conspiracy theory, NASA embarked on the New Horizons project two years after the 1988 publication revealed the existence of Planet X. The final destination of New Horizons is Planet X, but to prevent mass panic, NASA pretended that the destination of the space probe is Pluto and the Kuiper belt.

In the 1990s, the agency pretended it had abandoned the search for Planet X by leaking false information that the latest measurements by Voyager 2 proved that Planet X does not exist. According to NASA at the time, measurements taken by Voyager 2 showed that the alleged irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune which led to the Planet X hypothesis were due to overestimation of the mass of Neptune.

But according to conspiracy theorists, the claim by NASA scientists was a deliberate ruse to cover-up the actual destination of New Horizons beyond Pluto and the Kuiper belt – Planet X.

ADF scientists in their report though note that the “orbital mechanics” of this mysterious planet are less to be considered then the “electromagnetically caused chaos” it will represent in our solar system—which on Earth, they say, could be manifested in violent and increasing earthquakes, massive volcanic explosions, and weather disasters caused by changes (increase/decrease of sun spots) to our Sun, not to mention the hundreds, if not thousands, of asteroids that could impact Earth.

According to 4 major biblical prophets something truly terrifying is coming our way, and it will hit homeland before the end of 2019… Planet Nibiru Is Coming Toward Earth – NIibiru Will Be A Life Ending Event.

Planet Nibiru Nasa

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Nasa Announces Nibiru

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