How To Change Your Gmod Character

The fifth character is usually a zero '0' without the quotes, but can be one of several different characters.) Change the fifth character to a comma ','. Save (overwriting same file). Close Notepad. IMPORTANT: Because of bugs in MDL Decompiler, ALWAYS restart MDL Decompiler for each decompile, whether it fails or succeeds. Your skill will increase fast though if you practice. But you seem to have gotten off to a good start Workshop tools. Legacy Addon - Collects the addons neatly for easy find. No collide - To prevent the models for colliding. Easy Bodygroup Tool - To change between body groups if the model has them. Simply go to Sandbox mode, change your player model to one that you like that's included with GMod, and rejoin the server. If you want to do it the medium difficulty way: Install PointShop or PointShop 2 on your server and then use that to change player models. If you want to do it the hard way: You're going to have to know Lua and code it.

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How to make custom textures for Gmod


Step 1: Create a “materials” folder in your garrysmod/garrysmod folder, if it does not already exist.

Step 2: Create a folder named the same as the map you are making the texture for in the “materials” folder.

Step 3: Put the texture you want in the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/mapname folder in Targa format. Photoshop or paint.NET can save an image as a Targa (I am using Paint.NET). When you save the Targa you are prompted with a box like the one below. Choose '24-bit' for the Bit Depth and un-check 'Compress (RLE).' (If your texture has transparency or an Alpha-Channel you need to save it in '32-bit.') Before you save make sure you resize the image to 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024. These are sizes accepted by Hammer and Valve in general.

Step 4: Create a blank text file with the same name as your texture name and put it in the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/mapname folder

Creating the Texture

Step 5: Using VTFEdit or picture editing software with a VTF plug-in turn the Targa into a VTF and put it in the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/mapname folder. VTFEdit is better because there are more options to choose from. You can get it here .

First we need to import our Targa from the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/mapname folder.

Click Import and browse to the Targa file and open it.

When you import it a box will open. Choose the options I have here:

Click OK and there will be a pause while it loads your image. This is normal.

Now save the VTF in the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/mapname folder with the same name as the Targa and the blank text file.

Now we are done with the texture.

Creating the Material

Step 6: Using VTFEdit create the VMT file or if you know how, write your own.

With the VTF open click Tools and click Create VMT.

A box will open. Choose the texture tab.

For base texture browse to the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/mapname folder and choose the VTF you created.

Then choose the options tab.

Don't worry about anything but the Surface 1 Choose the properties that would apply to your texture.

Click create and save the file in the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/mapname folder with the same name as the Targa, blank text file, and VTF.

If you want to write your own VMT this is the syntax:

How To Change Your Gmod Character Are You

Wrapping it up

How To Change Your Gmod Character

At this point you should have 4 files all called the same thing

How To Change Your Gmod Character

If this is all correct start Source SDK and choose Garry’s Mod for the Current Game.* Launch Hammer and Browse for the name of your map. Because the files are all in a folder with the name of your map you should find it by searching the name.

Gmod Player Model Creator

When releasing your map you only need to include the VMT and VMF files in the garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/ mapname folder.

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How To Change Your Gmod Character Step By Step

Don't know where this belongs (it's not really a commission unless someone wants to help for a price).
Just got started on working with GMod and having fun using the models I have, but feel like adding more. Particular characters that have not been created for GMod (yet/at all). Saw that you can convert models from other 3D model programs like MMD. Been trying to import Arle of Puyo Puyo fame from her MMD model into a GMod model but not sure if I'm missing something important.
Granted, I've been only using Fuse to create original characters. I started utilizing both Max3DS and Blender to import an MMD (pmd/pmx, right?) then export either a FBX or OBJ file thinking all I have to do is upload to Mixamo where they Auto-Rig the model and export as a working model for GMod, SFM, etc.. Doesn't give me the option to export a GMod model for the MMD model though.
Mayhaps someone can direct me to a tutorial on how to convert an MMD model to a GMod model properly? Though, most likely, I'd like to ask if someone could do that for me since I get really impatient with all this coding BS. I'm sure it's quite a tedious task, but I'd be willing to pay for your hard work should anyone want to take up the challenge. Otherwise, a tutorial would be awesome.
Thanks in advance!